Monday, May 23, 2011
East Oak Room
12.30 pm Welcome to the IJ-8 Academic Track
Kirsten Mogensen, University of Roskilde, IJ-8 Academic Chair
Turo Uskali, University of Jyväskylä, IJ-8 Academic Review Committee Chair
David Nordfors, Stanford University, IJ-8 Chair
12.45 pm Opening keynote: Henry Etzkowitz "The Triple Helix - How " and David Nordfors "From the Fourth Estate to the Fourth Helix and the Innovation Communication System"
For the rest of the Academic Track program - click here
Monday, May 23, 2011

West Oak Room
8:00 a.m. Registration & Breakfast starts
8:30 a.m. Welcome
Sven Otto Littorin, Visiting Scholar, Stanford University, IJ-8 Communication Track Chair; David Nordfors, Founding Executive Director, SCIC, Stanford University, IJ-8 Chair
8:45 a..m. Keynote How New IT and New Styles of Work Will Reshape Journalism And Communications
Geoffrey Moore, Venture Partner, Mohr Davidow Ventures. Moderated by Jan Hedquist.
10:00 a.m.: Earned, Owned and Bought Media (read report here)
Introduction: Lou Hoffman, President and CEO, The Hoffman Agency; Panel: Fredrik Winterlind, Vice President, Global Marketing & Communications, Black & Veatch Corporation; Sarah Granger, Writer, New Media Innovator; Tom Foremski, Founder, Silicon Valley Watcher.
Sven Otto Littorin, Visiting Scholar, SCIC; Swedish Minister for Employment, 2006-2010; President of European Council of Ministers (EPSCO), 2009; Chair IJ-8 Communication Track.
11:00 a.m.: Branding an Organization on Innovation
David Demarest, Vice President Public Affairs, Stanford University
David Burk, Senior Vice President, West Coast Digital at Fleishman-Hillard
11:30 a.m.: Marketing and Public Relations, RIP
Burghardt Tenderich, Visiting Associate Professor and Associate Director of the Strategic Communication and Public Relations Center, Annenberg School of Communication, USC
Burghardt Tenderich, Visiting Associate Professor and Associate Director of the Strategic Communication and Public Relations Center, Annenberg School of Communication, USC
11:45 a.m.: Discussion
Discussion between Littorin, Demarest, Burk, Tenderich under the leadership of David Nordfors
1:00 pm Panel Think and Do Tools: Mapping Consumer and Business Innovation Ecosystems
Martha Russell, Associate Director Media X at Stanford University; Neil Rubens, Director of Active Intelligence Lab, University of Electro-Communications, Japan
1:40 pm Talk Innovation Journalism Success Case Study:
Amy Tenderich, Founder, VP Patient Advocacy, Alliance Health Networks.
1:40 pm Talk Innovation Journalism Success Case Study:
Amy Tenderich, Founder, VP Patient Advocacy, Alliance Health Networks.
2:00 pm Panel Innovation, Publishing and Women
Moderator: Tatyana Kanzaveli; Opening Speaker: Andrea Davies, Director of Programs and Research, Clayman Institute for Gender Research, Stanford; Panel: Ina Fried, Senior Editor, Mobilized, AllThingsD; Esther Wojcicki, Vice Chairman, Creative Commons
2:40 pm Talk InJo Ethics - Where Draw the Lines?
Tom Foremski, Founder, Silicon Valley Watcher.
2:40 pm Talk InJo Ethics - Where Draw the Lines?
Tom Foremski, Founder, Silicon Valley Watcher.
3:00 pm Break
3:20 pm Talk Lasagna Journalism or How to Augment the Tablet News Experience
Adriano Farano, Knight Fellow 2011, Stanford.
3:40 pm Talk Innovation Journalism for Change in Mocambique
Erkki Sutinen, Prof Computer Science, University of Eastern Finland; Silvia Gaiani, Department of Agricultural Economics, University of Bologna, Italy.
4:00 pm Talk Innovation Journalism and Communication in the Islamic World.
Amir Jahangir, CEO Mishal, World Economic Forum Young Global Leader; Prof. Anwar Nasim, Adviser Science, COMSTECH (OIC) is interviewed on video by Puruesh Chaudhary, Chief Executive at Foxtrot Consultants, Pakistan
4:40 pm Talk New Innovation Journalism Initiatives in Sweden
Thomas Frostberg, Senior Business Columnist, Sydsvenskan
5:00 pm Talk Building Innovation Cultures in Emerging Economies Through Storytelling
Burton Lee, Engineering Lecturer, European Entrepreneurship and Innovation at Stanford University
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
9:00 Registration
9:30 Opening IJ-8 Mission statement
David Nordfors, Founding Executive Director, SCIC, Stanford
10:00 Comment How Journalism Matters to Innovation
Curtis Carlson, President SRI International, Member of SCIC Advisory Board
10:00 Comment How Journalism Matters to Innovation
Curtis Carlson, President SRI International, Member of SCIC Advisory Board
10:20 Keynote The Future of Mobile
Håkan Eriksson, Senior Vice President, Chief Technology Officer, Ericsson (global). President, Ericsson in Silicon Valley
Håkan Eriksson, Senior Vice President, Chief Technology Officer, Ericsson (global). President, Ericsson in Silicon Valley
11:00 Break
Host: Siri Markula, InJo Fellow; Panel: Theodore L. Glasser, Professor of Communication, Stanford University; Susan Currie Sivek, writer PBS Media Shift, Ass.Prof. California State University, Fresno'; Jackson Solway, co-founder Once Magazine; Amy Gahran, CNN mobile technology writer, senior editor / mobile team leader at Oakland Local.
12:00pm Panel: Peace Innovation Journalism
Tanja Aitamurto, PhD Candidate, Visiting Researcher, Center for Design Research, Stanford; Journalist and blogger; Margarita Quihuis, Director, Peace Innovation Lab, Stanford; Sahar Ghazi, Knight Fellow at Stanford, former senior duty editor DawnNews TV, Karachi, Pakistan; Hanna Sistek, independent journalist in conflict areas; Sabah Hamamou, Deputy Business Editor, Al-Ahram Newspaper, Egypt
Tanja Aitamurto, PhD Candidate, Visiting Researcher, Center for Design Research, Stanford; Journalist and blogger; Margarita Quihuis, Director, Peace Innovation Lab, Stanford; Sahar Ghazi, Knight Fellow at Stanford, former senior duty editor DawnNews TV, Karachi, Pakistan; Hanna Sistek, independent journalist in conflict areas; Sabah Hamamou, Deputy Business Editor, Al-Ahram Newspaper, Egypt
12:40pm Lunch on Stanford Campus
2:00 pm Keynote: Innovating YouTube for News and Politics
Steve Grove, Head of News and Politics, YouTube.
Steve Grove, Head of News and Politics, YouTube.
Host: Mikko Torikka, InJo Fellow; Panel: Ari Tulla, Head of App Studio at Nokia; Jason Snell, VP, Editorial Director Macworld; Michael Mullany, CEO of Sencha
3:20 pm Break

IT-readiness in society; How to measure it; How innovation affects journalism and communication; How journalism influences innovation
3:40 pm Introduction The Great Transformation Initiative
Speaker: Derek O'Halloran, World Economic Forum, Panel: Charles House, Executive Director, Media-X at Stanford; David Nordfors, SCIC; Sven Littorin, visiting scholar, SCIC
4:10 pm Workshop Discussions With all Conference Participants
Facilitator: Mei Lin Fung
5:00 pm Plenary Discussion Moderated Discussion with Panel and All Participants
Facilitator: Mei Lin Fung
5:00 pm Plenary Discussion Moderated Discussion with Panel and All Participants
5:30 pm Mixer
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
8:00 Registration
8:40 Welcome
9:00am Panel The Arab Awakening / Live Video - click here
Joumana Haddad, An Nahar Cultural Editor; Shahira Amin, fmr Egyptian Nile TV Deputy Head and Senior Correspondent; Hodal Abdel Hamid, Al Jazeera Roving Correspondent; Josh Rushing, Al Jazeera; Amra Tareen - Founder and CEO; Margarita Quihuis, Director Stanford Peace Innovation Lab; Moderators: Elizabeth Filippouli, Founder, Global Thinkers; Joel Brinkley, Hearst Visiting Professional in Residence, Department of Communication, Stanford; The panel is introduced by David Nordfors, Executive Director, Stanford Center for Innovation and Communication
10:00am Keynote Why Innovation Journalism Matters
Michael S. Malone, writer, Silicon Valley proto-innovation journalist.
Host: Zena Iovino, InJo Fellow; Panel: Harry McCracken, Founder and Editor of Technologizer, Columnist; Justin Ferrell, Director of Digital, Mobile and New Product Design, The Washington Post; Evan Doll, Co-founder Flipboard; Jacob Ward, West Coast Bureau Chief, Popular Science Magazine.
11:20am Break
11:40am Panel Mobile Media Design: Is the Medium still the Message? / Live Video
Marisa Gallagher, VP, Executive Creative Director, CNN Digital; Prof Michael Shanks, Stanford University;
Marisa Gallagher, VP, Executive Creative Director, CNN Digital; Prof Michael Shanks, Stanford University;
12:20pm Lunch on Stanford Campus
1:20 pm Keynote: How Innovation is Changing Al Jazeera's World
A conversation between Josh Rushing, Al Jazeera, and David Nordfors.
A conversation between Josh Rushing, Al Jazeera, and David Nordfors.
Host: Simona Drevensek, InJo Fellow; Panel: Ram Mehta, Facebook; Declan McCullagh, Chief Political Correspondent, CNET; Mateja Durovic, Visting Scholar, Stanford Law School; Marc Goodman, Founder, Future Crimes Institute;
2:40 pm Table discussions
3:20 pm Break
3:40 pm Panel: Are we heading for Collective Intelligence or Collective Neurosis; Collective Attention or Collective ADD?
Host: David Nordfors, Executive Director, SCIC, Stanford; Panel: Prof. Clifford Nass, Stanford University (opening speaker); Nicklas Lundblad Director of Public Policy and Government Affairs, Google, Inc; Elizabeth Filippouli, Founder, Global Thinkers;
Host: David Nordfors, Executive Director, SCIC, Stanford; Panel: Prof. Clifford Nass, Stanford University (opening speaker); Nicklas Lundblad Director of Public Policy and Government Affairs, Google, Inc; Elizabeth Filippouli, Founder, Global Thinkers;
4:20 pm Moderated Discussion in all tables. Two moderators.
5:00 pm Closing Words
Keith Devlin, Executive Director, H-Star Institute; David Nordfors, Executive Director, SCIC
Keith Devlin, Executive Director, H-Star Institute; David Nordfors, Executive Director, SCIC