Interactive Workshop Organized by the World Economic Forum and IJ-8.

Falling costs and exploding access to information and communications technologies are enabling new models for governance, businesses and social organisation – and journalism is no exception.
For 10 years, the Global IT Report from the World Economic Forum has provided data and thought leadership to guide policy-making and private-public dialogue around improving national competitiveness through access to technology. However, as IT becomes ubiquitous, it becomes less important to know the number of people who have access to it, and more valuable to know what people are doing with it. But this very ubiquity creates a unique challenge in how we can frame, capture and measure this transformation.
The World Economic Forum and SCIC invites you to take part in this interactive workshop, to discuss with the WEF what determines the future of IT and society. We will be discussing how IT influences journalism, and how journalism influences IT. We will be discussing the importance of considering IT, journalism and communication in the next generation of GITR.
The session is headed by Derek O'Halloran, Global Leadership Fellow at the World Economic Forum, who is responsible for the content development with their IT Industry Partnerships Community.